Friday, July 30, 2010

2 weeks left ! :)

theres only 2 weeks left of the exchange !! this time in 2 weeks , i'll be counting down the hours , and not the days anymore ! lol im so excited to come home , as much as i love it here , and am having so much funn with everyone !!
wednesday night we went to the soccer game , impacte a montreal ! it was montreal vs vancouver , vancouver won :( lol it was a funn night though . soccers not really a sport i like watching , but it was still good to go out and hangout with everyone for the night ! we took the subway again , and on our way there , ben daseul and i were too late to get on with the rest of the group , so we hadda wait for another one , and then catch up . it was a funn adventure , kinda one of those 'you had to be there to think its funny' moments lol but we found it funny . didnt end up going to bed after 12 that night , kinda sucked cause i had to work the next day , but i made it through alright lol
at the day camp on thursday night , they had a campout , so ben and i got to help out with setting up all the tents , thursday morning , and then of course taking them all down friday morning !! we had the choice to participate and camp out too with the other leaders , but we decided that after having our own activities all the time with the Y , this would just make us more tired . ! so we bailed on that . but because all the kids were up til all hours of the night , we had a chill day today , we watch nanny mcphee , then started UP during lunch , then started New Moon during the day care . so it was a good day .
this weekend , we were supposed to have a car wash tomorrow , but plans fell through , and now we cant . so instead , we're all going shopping at a big mall , and ali and i are gonna get our ears pierced there ! :) then shanna's gonna come home with me and we're gonna have a sleepover , definitely excited for that !! then on sunday , its still as normal , we're going kayaking , but not where we were supposed to go , we're going just in chambly now . so a little closer to home ( y ) so this weekend should be a good one , and i'll put an update as to how it went after it all happens !!
only 14 more days !! miss everyone ,
-em <3 xox


  1. heyy it's saraaahhh :)
    so all i have to say is that i'm sooo superly duperly extremely exited for you to come home ;D hehe especially because that day i getta go shopping again xD lmao but i'm more excited to see you !
    sounds like you're having fun still but you can't wait to see me , i know i know ! ;)
    counting the days - only like 11 left - miss you and see you sooon ! ♥♥ :)

  2. Hey Baby!!!

    8 more sleeps!!!!! yahoo
    Don't forget to update your blog tonight from what you did last weekend. I know, nag nag nag!!!! hahahaa
    We are going to the Blue Jays game tonight and leaving right at 5pm, so call me on my cell and we can chat. Hope you were able to get in touch with Paul and Sophie. If you don't get a text back today, then call Sophie's cell. Hope you have a good day at work. What are you doing tonight? Can't wait to see you a week from tomorrow.......

    Love you to the moon and back
